
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook 2013 opens up for resistration in October.  It has been a wonderful class this year and next year looks to be just as great.  Join up if you want to learn more about mixed media art. 

Monday, September 24, 2012


I thought that I would share some stamps images that I have made myself.  Every once in a while I want to carve my own stamps.  This way I can sell work that includes these images with out having to worry about copyright issues either.  The paper looks blue because I took the pictures in a shadowy part of my yard, they are on white card stock.
Have a great week,

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A new journal

I have a sneak peak at a new journal that I am making and binding myself.  I am using a lesson from Effy Wild's bootcamp.  Check it out here Book Of Days


Inside of cover

Outside of cover
I will show it of and tell more about it when I am done.
Have a great day,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I just wanted to share a picture of the cover for my book.  I bound this book myself from cold pressed watercolor paper.  I used hemp cord to sew it together.  This is the largest book that I have bound, but I have another one in the works that hopefully will be finished in a couple of weeks.  If you want to know more about this project please join Effy Wild's boot camp.  It is a lot of fun and a great community.  find more information here.
I also finished a couple of prayer flags for my cousin's little girls.  I hope that they enjoy looking at them while the prayers touch their lives.
Have a good week,

Friday, September 14, 2012

A few more pages

I have finished a couple of small things this week and I have a bunch more in progress.  I always seem to have a lot of projects going on at the same time.  I guess that I like to work that way.
This is my spread from my art journal this week.

This is my most recent Lifebook page.
I have also been working on a book full of sample backgrounds.  This is for Boot camp with Effy Wild's Book of Days program.  It will also contain lettering samples and other goodies soon.  I am still adding more backgrounds, but here are some of the ones that are done.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I have a couple more spreads done in my art journal.  It has been a busy transitional week here getting everybody used to the school schedule again.

I finished my back to school spread this week.

This is a close up of the next spread before I added writing.
I put a small amount of metallic paint on top.  I love the shimmer, but it is harder to write on.

On this spread I wrote about each day of the work week and I added some intentions for September to the rose. 

Here are all my Lifebook pages so far.  I really need to get caught up, before the end of the year. 

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The start of autumn

I have been really busy lately getting everything ready for school to start.  My daughter just started college, my son started middle school, and my second youngest started his school career, so we have a lot of changes in the family this year.  All my kids area excited for the new year, except my youngest who seems a little confused about where everyone went.  
This is the view from my daughter's dorm room.  She is going to school in northern Michigan and the scenery is great. 

I am hoping to be able to spend more time creating things in my sewing room this fall and catching up on my art class as well.  I'm not sure how well that will go with a two year old at home, but at least I still have nap time most days.

I have been able to make a few things these last couple of weeks that I can share.
My son had to have a small pillow and pillow case for school.  He loves  super heroes, so I made him a Superman pillow case.
My daughter and I followed Tangie Baxter's Youtube video on making a journal to keep all of your ephemera.   You can keep everything that don't know what else to do with and have a special place for it. Here is my version, it is made from a composition notebook and has scrapbook papers and inked pages.  I have also started to doodle in it when I have a spare minute.  It is all ready to fill.  I have just started to put some things in it. I will have to take some pictures of my daughters because she made a really cool cover for her journal.

This is a spread in my art journal that I am going to add pictures of the kids going back to school. 

I painted this angel last week.  She is one of my guardian angels.

This is a Lifebook lesson that I started a while ago and just finished.  She is an eagle girl.

I was practicing my doodling here.
I was practicing with flowers and blending my Prismacolor pencils.

I know that I overloaded this post, I will try to post more often in the future.
Have a great week,