
Monday, November 8, 2010

Busy fall

I have been busy the last several weeks with my kids school functions and family stuff.  I have been able to create something about half the days.  I have been dyeing fabrics, including rust dyeing, parfait dyeing, and marble dyeing with shaving cream.  Someday I will actually try regular marble dyeing and get better results, but for now the shaving cream method is easy.  I also dyed some silk to use as a lining for a kimono that my daughter is using for a history project.  It turned out beautifully.  I haven't taken any pictures of it yet.  It is hard to get much done with a six month old baby who likes his mother's attention.  I have also been experimenting with painting dryer sheets to use in mixed media projects.  I plan on continuing this until I get the results that I like.  I hope to get some projects finished this week, but I will have to see how it goes.  I need to spend time helping my daughter sew her kimono and hemming dresses for her high school choir.  There aren't that many parents who know how to sew, so I always volunteer to help out.    

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