
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Book of Days

I finished my first volume in my book of days.  This is the first art journal I have done, and I even finished it.  I'm am happy that I accomplished it.  I have started prepping my next book, which is a little larger.  I will have to see how it goes with working in a bigger space.
This is a background made with sprays and washi tape that I made using double stick tape and napkins.  

This was practice for one of my Lifebook lessons.
The Dr. Who page is for fun and the Sisters page is about supporting other women through all their stuff, good and bad.

My farewell page. 
I also made a fabric/ wire bead today.  I used Lutedor on the outside layer.  It was painted with purple Lumiere paint and after I had the bead wrapped with wire I melted the Lutedor with a heat gun.  It gives it a very lacy/bubbly look as it melt away.


  1. Good for you! I haven't finished a journal yet. Not the way I want it. :)

  2. Wonderful! Congratulations on finishing it - looking forward to the second ;) xoxo


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