
Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer of Color

I have finally finished my art for the mint chocolate chip week.  I had fun working with greens and browns this week.
My first piece for this week was a sketch that was colored with Prismacolor pencils.  She is a woodland elf.
The next piece that I made was an acrylic painting done in my journal.  I had to do a wooded landscape for my elf.
The last piece I made was another little quilt.  This was just another abstract piece.  I'm liking these little quilts.  They are pretty quick to make and have a lot of texture.  

I haven't had the time that I want right now to look and comment on all the great art that everyone is creating.  My oldest child graduated from high school this year and I'm in the middle of cleaning and preparing for a big party for her.  I have one more week till the party and then I will have more time to check out everyone's blogs.  For now have a great week and keep creating wonderful art.


  1. Oh my goodness. I just love everything about this.. I sure wish I knew how to use my sewing machine like this... This Looks amazing.

  2. I so want to get that piece for my sewing machine this fall and learn to do this. Looks awesome!

  3. Beautiful! love your colors. I particularly like your quilt!!
    Have a great day!

  4. Your quilt is lovely, great texture. BJ

  5. I especially like your journal page!

  6. I especially like your woodland elf :-)

  7. Beautiful pieces Janelle... love your quilt.. amazing.. and your lovely elf has a beautiful forest to live in... Congrats on the grad.. have fun!xx

  8. Wonderful pieces! Your woodland elf is so sweet. ^.^

    -:¦:- Art Update: Mint Chocolate Chip -:¦:-

  9. Lovely i particularly love that

  10. Hi Janelle! So sorry I'm just now making it to your blog. I want to thank you for all you wonderful support and comments you leave for me! I must say I am really in love with your little quilts. Wow, a really creative way to celebrate mint choco chip! Elven girl and forest with "a river runs thru it" is very cute too! Jessi xox


I want to thank everyone who comments on my posts. I appreciate the time you take to read my blog and any feedback that you give me.