
Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer of Color

Here is my art for Watermelon Ice.  The first piece that I made was a cloak for my niece for her birthday.  Her favorite color is red, so it fit in just perfectly for this week.

I also made a small quilt for the week. 

The last thing that I made was a journal page.

I am going to miss the summer of color challenge.  Even though life has been busier than normal this summer I have enjoyed participating immensely.  I have just had to sneak in my art time some of the weeks.  
Have a great week and enjoy creating. 


  1. That's a beautiful cloak you made! Your niece must be very happy!

  2. Hi Janelle!
    Thank you for your sweet comments and for playing along with the SOC - glad you got things done you may not have otherwise - I know that's true for me FOR SURE! Sometimes it was even a struggle - but I have all this stuff now to show for it!
    Thank you and have a great week, xoxo

  3. Janelle, What an inspiration you are! I just wish I had followed along with you week to week. Taking care of Mom drains me and I can hardly look at the screen when I'm home. Things have quieted down now thank God. I would have done anything for a beautiful cloak like that when I was young!!! Heck, even now, lol. Love your spread and your mini quilt too. I hope you can participate next Summer. I will try to as well! Jessi xox

  4. love this! What kind of tape is that? Is that the dry wall stuff?


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