
Monday, November 19, 2012

Winter Fairy

I have been working on a sketch the past couple of days and finally am pretty happy with it.  Now I get to paint it in.
She is drawn on watercolor paper, so I should be able to put all kinds of media on her and make her sparkle.
Have a great week,


  1. Really cute, Janelle! are you going to put glitter on her? :)
    I've been in a glitter mode lately, that's why I'm asking. lol

    ps. love your fabric journal, it's sooo gorgeous!

  2. Yes I am planning on putting glitter on her. A winter fairy wouldn't be complete without glitter.

  3. Oh, she is adorable...I can't wait to see her painted! :D

    Happy Thanksgiving to you n' yours!

  4. First of all, your art journal below is absolutely breathtaking! You have such a way with free hand (I think that's what it's called :) sewing!
    AND I think your WIP is so sweet - looking forward to the sparkle.
    Thank you too for your sweet comment - and for finding me on Etsy - I think I have a LOT to learn!!! xoxoxo

  5. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm so glad I found your blog.


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