
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Art Journal Groove

I have finished a couple more lessons from Lifebook that I wanted to share.  This one was all about celebrating your favorite things. It is always good to remember the things that make life good.  The background for this page was created with watercolors that feel chalky when they are dry.  They do make a nice soft look and were good for this page.  
The next three pages were lessons from Lifebook also.  They were all quick exercises in intuitive painting without worrying about the end results.  The point was to tap into your inner child and have fun with the process.  They all has time limits as well.  They were painted at 15, 10, & 5 minutes respectively.

This first one was a finger painting with the addition of a few more tools.  I used my basic acrylic paints. 
This one is painted with Golden acrylics with a brush and a rubber painting tool.  
This page was painted wet into wet with Twinkling H2O watercolors.  They have a beautiful shimmer that the photo doesn't capture at all. These are my favorite watercolors and are so fun to use. 
I created this page using my church bulletin after Divine Mercy Sunday last Sunday.  I used a stencil from Artistcellar that went perfectly with the subject.  It is done with modeling paste and the colors from the background colored it slightly.  
I have been having fun painting in my journal.  I am getting close to finishing this one.  I'll probably be making a new journal this summer some time.  I love filling up these journals, it is so relaxing to have a safe place to practice and process life stuff.
Have a wonderful weekend,

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