I painted a couple of flower paintings in my journal for my Lifebook class. The flowers were painted with Twinkling H2O's which are very shimmery watercolor paints. They are fun to use and I love the shimmer. The colors are intense and beautiful too. I painted the borders with Silks acrylic glaze which is also very shimmery paint. I also added bits of gold paint to add extra shimmer. If you ever have a chance to use these paints I would recommend them.
I am still working on preparing for my daughter's open house, but we only have one more week and then I can create more.
Have a great weekend.

I started a mini gallery in my front room yesterday. Now I need to get to painting so that I can fill more of my space. These are all small paintings here. I'm still getting ready for my graduate's open house and I thought that this would be a nice way to spruce up this wall.