Monday, May 25, 2015

Abstract Painting

A recent Lifebook lesson, by Jenny Doh, was on abstract painting. We were trying to get out of our heads and just paint what we felt.  It is a fun way to paint without planning first and just letting the painting happen.  I painted these three pages.

I really love abstract painting and want to practice more.  These paintings are just playing around with mark making on a small scale.  I want to try some large paintings too.  It is harder to get something that I love with this style of painting.  I guess I'll just have to paint more.  Now that my youngest is done with school for the summer and my other boys are almost done, it hopefully will be easier.  I won't have to follow a strict schedule.  I can let them play and I can paint.  I'll let you know how that goes.
Have a great week.

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